INTERNATIONAL AWARENESS and INVOLVEMENT - Columbia (MD) Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta
International Awareness and Involvement

Under the leadership and guidance of Grand Chapter, the committee’s mission is to raise both the level of awareness of the needs of the global community and the level of involvement in addressing global issues through programs that provide assistance, relief, monetary donations, supplies, etc., in order to alleviate suffering in third world countries.

The Columbia (MD) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. continues its active involvement in addressing global issues by supporting and implementing the following programs:

  • Clean and Safe Water Project
  • Blanket Drives for the people of Lesotho, Africa
  • School Supplies for the children of Lesotho, Africa
  • Monetary Donation to the Hospital in Kenya, Africa
  • Donations to female entrepreneurs in Kenya, Africa

For additional information on the committee, send an email to: